
I have a passion for principles from self defense and martial arts.

This has been my job since over 30 years.

It all started with Jiujitsu that I started practising back in 1978.

My teacher was Kurt Durewall and he introduced me to these great principles that I today teach all over the World.


of martial arts

applied on jiujitsu, self defense, challenging behaviour ergonomics and safe patient handling

Håkan Skenhede

Short introduction to Durewall Jiujitsu.

Kurt Durewall started up practising traditional Jiujitsu but once saw a fight where two men kept hitting eachother and did not react on pain. Then he decided to develop his own Jiujitsu where pain and injury was avoided as much as possible.

In the early 1970:s he and some Close Jiujitsufriends started The Swedish Jiujitsu Federation.

Håkan Skenhede was born 1960 in Sweden. After highschool he Went on several technical educations and have after that been working some years in technical production. After that more theoretical technical studies. Then working on R&D at a shipyard with Constructions. Next job was at a carfactory (SAAB) with productional engineering. At the same time Jiujitsu was the number one hobbie. In 1986 Kurt Durewall offered a position for teaching and developing the Durewall principles. In 1992 moved to RoMedic, now owned by Handicare. First years mainly in Teaching and selling withinSelling. Since 2008 only working outside Sweden on export.

International speaker

I have the privilege to travel the World teaching about the principles. It is very interesting to learn about different working traditions and guidelines. What they love in one country might be forbidden in the next.

Teaching in Uk

At Naidex we had a stand just for teaching principles called The knowledge zone


A few years back I was invited to speak at the patient handling Conference in New Zeeland. It has held sometimes in Australia and sometimes in New Zeeland.

A wonderful country with enthusiastic professionals.

The introduction to this Conference was unique!

Teaching in Saudi-Arabia

It is hard to teach patient handling

if you are not allowed to touch anyone.

Teaching in Japan

I love to teach in Japan because so many knows

Judo or Kendo and can understand easier

Copyright @ All Rights Reserved

This material and Pictures is protected with copyright.

If you are interested or have questions please send me an email: hakan@Skenhede.com